Customized Marketing Strategy


Do you feel like you have no idea what you are supposed to be doing to market your business? Maybe you write a blog... every once in a while. Maybe you post on Facebook... every now and then.  Maybe you send an email to your list... sometimes. Guess what? None of that is going to get your clients or make you sales.

I call that "when I have time marketing." It's the last thing on your to do list. You know you're supposed to be doing it but you're not really sure if it's working so you don't bother. This type of marketing will not help your business - ever - and therefore, it's a waste of your time.

You need a plan. You need to know what's going to work for your business. You need a little insight, a lot of structure and a well-mapped out plan that you can execute so you actually achieve your goals. 

I create customized marketing plans based on your business, your audience and your specific sales and growth goals.

Your customized marketing strategy eliminates the guesswork, saves you time from "trying to figure out what works" and allows you to actually hit your business goals with less stress and more style. 

Does that sound amazing to you? Same here. Here's the nitty-gritty on how it works:

You and I meet for a 90 minute deep dive session where we cover:

  • Your business, its programs and services
  • Your audience
  • Your brand message
  • Your 90 day goals
  • Your past marketing strategies and tactics
  • The gaps in your strategy or marketing and what hasn't worked
  • Your timeline, capabilities and energy bandwidth 

After that, I go into research mode. I study your business, your competitors, your industry, your audience. Then I put together a strategy based on you goals, your industry and your audience. Within ten days, I'll deliver to you a comprehensive, fully detailed marketing strategy for the next 90 days of your business, broken down into week by week. You and I will have another phone call to debrief and ensure you are fully equipped to smash your goals in the next 90 days. Then you go out and start bringing in the clients and the cash. 


Are you ready to have the marketing red carpet rolled out for you?

Book a complimentary Mini Marketing Planning Session to get started!